Creating a Prosperity Mindset

What does being prosperous or financially successful mean to you?  To me, it means having the abundance in mind, body, spirit and finances to feel secure, live joyfully and contribute to places, causes and ideas that spiritually fulfill me.

There are six kinds of energy that we focus on as human beings: the energy of relationships; the energy of creativity; the energy of enjoyment and play; physical vitality; the energy of time; and the energy of money. All of these contribute to our total health and well-being.

The following tips will help you get clear about your relationship with money and improve your financial health.

Understand your mental equivalence.

Mental equivalence is what you believe you are worth with regards to money. For example, do you experience money leaking in your life? Does it slip through your fingers like water?

Create a new prototype of your worthiness. If you believe consciously or unconsciously that you are only worth so much, then that is the amount you will attract in your life.  To create a powerful relationship with money, get clear on what your limiting beliefs are and be aware of when you are constricting the flow of abundance. One resource you may find helpful to expand your mental equivalence is my Possibility Movie for Prosperity and Abundance, available on my website.

Set your life intentions.

This is your purpose and direction, what gives your life meaning and passion.  It is important to be clear about your life intentions.  This creates an inner tension that will give you a feeling of stability and remains with you no matter what is going on in your life.  It is the foundation to build your life upon – a starting point for creating a vision for your life.

Create achievable goals.

Achievable goals are ones that you can follow through on consistently with clarity, ease and grace.  Set yourself up to succeed by taking sweet steps of achievement each and every day.  This builds your self-confidence and self esteem.  You will feel empowered and this reinforces your focus and commitment.

Move past your monkey mind to take action.

Be more interested in taking action than listening to your “monkey mind” chatter.  Your mind chatter is your internal saboteur.  What you focus on expands.  Every person, whether successful or unsuccessful, has mind chatter.  The difference is that successful people don’t buy into their mind chatter. They choose to be more interested in action than fear.

Discover why you spend money.

When you are spending money, ask yourself, “Am I in the energy of consuming or am I in the energy of enjoyment and self-love?” It is easy to over-consume, without really being present or conscious.

What deficits might you be covering over that are living inside of you?  Often we spend unconsciously to try to fill ourselves up with a feeling that covers over something more uncomfortable – and we don’t know when to stop!

Understand the power of tithing your time, talent and treasure.

There is an energy created when you give back to the place or person that feeds you spiritually. Money is essentially a form of energy, and so when we tithe we are acknowledging the infinite supply that is ours to receive. Of course the more you receive, the more you can give.

I challenge you to begin tithing 10% of your earnings.  You will be surprised at the amount of money that you will soon have to give. You will also be surprised at how you never miss this money, and the ease with which you can still meet your financial obligations.  You will begin to wonder why you didn’t start tithing earlier.

Helen Valleau has been the Supervising Teacher at the Hoffman Institute of Canada for the past 15 years. As a teacher, workshop leader and personal empowerment coach, she has inspired thousands of visions to come to life. She is the creator of A Year of Possibilities, a book and program filled with inspirational tools to help people achieve their dreams. Most recently, she published 100 Minutes of Inspiration, a collection of daily reminders that you have the power to change your life. To learn more about Helen’s work and how to create an authentic, powerful vision for your life, visit: