Wellness Coaching

In addition to my online and live event offerings, I love to work one-on-one and in small groups with midlife women to support the unfolding of their life into full bloom.

As a midlife woman, your life has many rich, intricate, interrelated and changeable layers and facets. Think of each as petals on a flower, unfurling, stretching towards the sunlight, sometimes dying off and falling away, regenerating as new growth.

Each needs acknowledging, honoring and tending so that it may contribute to, rather than detract from, your overall health and well-being — your essential nature, which is to be whole vital and joyful. Each of them influences your inner sustainability.

As your integrative health coach, my role is to work in communion with you to help you integrate and dance with it all.

Coaching with me may be a fit for you if you:

  • Need to prioritize more time for self care and reflection, despite and because of your other obligations to family, job etc.
  • Are facing a health challenge and wish to manage it holistically
  • Find yourself at a crossroads at this important stage of your life and feel you need additional support to work through it
  • Are feeling called to a more authentic, more feminine, more connected kind of life and aren’t sure what practical steps you might take to make the transition

The Process

We start by looking at the interrelated physical, mental, spiritual and environmental aspects of your health and life, which includes:

  • Physical wellbeing (health and symptom picture, nutrition and dietary habits, physical activity; relaxation response and sleep, self care vs. caregiving, other lifestyle habits etc.)
  • Inspired lifestyle (relationships; work, passion and purpose; creative expression; inner peace and happiness; connection with the Feminine; sexuality; and spirituality)
  • Eco-health (interaction with nature, home and workplace environments)

Next I will help you to identify key areas of challenge (you are likely already aware of some of these) and set intentions and milestones that support you in becoming the healthiest, happiest, most sustainable version of you.

How I support you

As a coach, I work with you to find your own answers, rather than tell you what to do. Learn more about the Co-active model of coaching I use here.

I help you identify and stay on track with your goals.

I support your exploration and discovery with self empowering tools and exercises, discussion, and deep, intuitive listening that honours your unique path. We’ll design a realistic, doable, joy-filled plan you can seamlessly incorporate into your lifestyle to increase your sense of vitality and wellbeing and enhance your life.

Coaching is not medical advice or therapy and does not replace the advice of a health care practitioner, but supports your wellness journey. It helps you to self empower, to make choices that feel good to you. And in cases where you may be dealing with a specific health concern, to coordinate your health care with the overarching goal in mind in order to help optimize the outcomes of working with your practitioner(s).

The Next Steps

Discovery Session

(20 mins)

Schedule an initial no cost, no obligation consultation with me. We’ll talk about your needs, wishes and intentions, get to know each other, and feel into whether coaching with me is a good fit.

By phone or Skype.

Schedule your session

Breakthrough Session

(90 mins)

In this one-time session, we’ll dive right into the heart of the matter. Come to our session with a specific challenge, question or creative dream and we’ll figure out how to begin to move through or towards it.

By phone or Skype.

Purchase now

Coaching Packages

Monthly, Seasonal and 6-Month Coaching Packages

For ongoing transitions and to optimize your results, work with me for a month, a season or over six months. Contact me for more information and to customize an affordable package that’s right for you.

By phone or Skype.

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