3 Easy, Fun Ways to Reconnect to Joy This Summer

Summer is the season of celebration; a time to embody joy and savour the many pleasures this time of year has to offer. For many of us, especially up here in the North, it can be a shockingly short season. So I say, “Seize the Day!” Here are some fun and easy ways to enjoy the summer season, as you reconnect with the natural world, reconnect to your own deepest nature, and express yourself creatively.

Self-Nourishment: Five Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself Every Day

AUDIO PODCAST – GoGreenInside® speaks with Lorraine Gane about self-nourishment — what it is, why it’s so important, and how to tell if you need more of it. As well, she offers five tips for cultivating a regular practice of self-nourishment and self-care that can be easily incorporated into your everyday life.

The Happy Dance of Spring

Movement artist and teacher Martha Randall offers a reflection on the magic of movement, body awareness and connecting to the earth, and shows us how to put a Spring in our step at this joyful time of year.