Why You Should Live from the Heart – and Three (Cool) Ways to Help You Do It


GoGreenInside® spoke with inner game coach Dr. Lise Janelle DC about what it means to live from the heart, how to tell if you’re living from your heart or your emotions (it’s not the same thing!) and how to return to your heart with three exercises you can use in just about any situation.


As humans we can live through our mind, our emotions or our heart, explains Dr. Janelle. When we are in our heart, we have a sense of gratitude, we are in a state of wisdom, we feel inspired, and, naturally, we feel love. This is who we are at the core of our being.

But when we disconnect from the heart, we go into our mind and our thoughts, which bring emotions. While thoughts and emotions come and go, the heart is a constant. Because the heart is not emotional, it can see more clearly what needs to be done in a given situation, and is inspired to take action.

How do we know if we are living from the heart? Dr. Janelle says we will feel more at peace, we will sleep and eat better, have healthier relationships and more vitality, and be more inspired at work. She offers up her three best exercises for centering ourselves and coming back into the heart:

“Since I’m worthy of love…”

When you are challenged by someone or something around you, take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Since I’m worthy of love, what’s another reason this is happening?” and “How is this challenge helping me with my goals and aspirations?”

“Since s/he loves me…”

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where someone you love says or does something that you don’t like? Again, take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Since s/he loves me, what’s another reason this is happening?” and follow-up with asking how this challenge is helping you. Asking these questions reduces the emotional charge that can cause arguments and conflict in even the most loving relationships.

Heart breathing

Take five minutes each day to breathe deeply in and out through your nose and heart – in other words, become aware of your heart on each inhale and exhale. This will quickly relax and center you. As you become aware of your heart, remember times in your life when you felt grateful. This may take a little practice at first, but eventually you will be able to do this even while driving, or waiting in line at the grocery store, says Dr. Janelle.

How do YOU live from the heart? What are your passions? Tell us in the comment section below.

Dr. Lise Janelle, DC is an inner game coach, author, speaker, educator and founder of the Center for Heart Living. She helps individuals, couples and families enjoy life, love and work. Visit her websites centerforheartliving.com and heartatworkinstitute.com