Daily Commitment to Me Pledge

We’ve created the Daily Commitment to Me Pledge as a way to help inspire you to commit to your health and sustainability — from the inside out.

The Pledge includes 8 simple principles for connecting to your true nature and your healthiest self. We know that our inner and outer environments are deeply interconnected and interdependent, and we’ve chosen the words in our Pledge to consciously reflect back the dynamic relationship between the two.

The Pledge

Daily commitment to Me Pledge PDF image

Take the Pledge today!


Imagine how much healthier our communities and our planet would be if we all took this simple Pledge and aspired to follow its principles!

We hope you will take the Daily Commitment to Me Pledge with us and add your voice to this growing evolution. You can also print out a 5 x 7 version  that’s ready to frame or post nearby for daily inspiration.

As well, please help the Pledge go viral! You can use the tools on the left of this page to share it with friends through e-mail and social media.

Submit your information below so we can track and report back on how the movement is spreading. Please enter your name and email address below and click send.



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