Get Away, Get Rejuvenated!

North Americans place a high value on productivity and financial security. In most European countries, however, working constantly is not regarded as living a successful life. In fact, the average worker begins his or her career with five weeks’ paid leave per year. Vacations provide time to recharge ourselves, create special memories and to reflect on what matters most. Vacations can even bring the unexpected benefit of boosting our careers and financial security.

Vacation transformation

Taking a break is good for life balance and health as well as finances. A client in Spain didn’t fit the typical European profile; he didn’t take time off to just “be.” Any time away from the office would involve seminars or other work-related activity. He wouldn’t relax and enjoy himself. Deep down, the thought of a vacation caused him massive financial anxiety. To feel financially safe, he convinced himself that he required a certain amount of money in the bank before he could relax and enjoy life.

The problem was that he was self-employed and saw a lot of clients in a day. He was starting to burn out. Eventually, he was only able to work four days a week because he felt totally drained by his work. It was easy to see that he would not last much longer this way: he was in pure survival mode.

As a transformational life coach, a major part of my work aims to help clients create clarity regarding what matters most to them, so they can achieve life balance and connect with their values to live life to the fullest. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in everyday responsibilities and to keep doing things in the same way. Together, we devised a personalized plan to help him create his ideal life.

First, we established the number of days a week he wished to work. Then the big questions: How much money did he desire in the bank? How many weeks’ vacation would he take if he had this financial security? He was clear that he wanted to work three days a week and, knew exactly the amount of money required for the financial security to live his dream of taking a week’s vacation most months.

This clarity and certainty dispelled his fears. He became more enthusiastic and energetic. He attracted more clients, received more referrals and made more money! His anxiety about finances dissolved and he turned a new page in his life. He stopped living in survival mode, had more fun, more energy and greater connection to his inner being. He had a better relationship with his family: his whole life changed.

Vacation benefits

When you’re more rested and energetic, you make fewer mistakes, have more stamina and patience and are more productive. All of these attributes are important for job security and promotions, whether you’re self-employed or salaried. Since life is more like a marathon than a sprint, it’s essential to pace ourselves. If you try to keep going without stopping, something is going to suffer – and it will likely be family life, relationships or our health.

Precious time

We experience precious moments daily, but vacations stand out as special times in which we’re taken out of our regular routines. Spontaneous moments assist us to live outside our daily boxes, which in turn sparks creativity.

Time to plan your next vacation – go celebrate your life!

Dr Lise Janelle DC is a transformational coach in the integration of mind, body and spirit. For the past two decades she has helped thousands  of clients including Olympic athletes, moms, celebrities, executives, entrepreneurs, artists and youth. She is the founder of Center for Heart Living which is dedicated to empowering people by connecting them to their core values. A successful Holistic Chiropractor for over 22 years, Dr. Lise is a keynote speaker, author and national spokesperson featured regularly in print, radio and television. She is a member of the exclusive Transformational Leadership Council [TLC] which unites the top leaders in the field of personal and professional transformation. Her book, Conversation with the Heart, aims at reconnecting you to your heart so you can experience joy, love and a feeling of true success. To learn more, visit

One Comments

  • Joseph 26 / 05 / 2012

    I once read somewhere that it takes the brain 4 days of being unplugged to actually relax. That is 4 days of relaxation before it can actually begin to let go and relax 🙂

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