How to Survive This Year’s Longer Allergy Season

Hayfever, the commonly used generic term for seasonal allergy, is an allergy to proteins in the pollen of trees, grasses and plants. It affects the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, throat, and air passages, causing itching, watery secretions, irritability of membranes, fatigue, and in some, asthma and allergic skin rashes.

There are three distinct hayfever seasons distinguished by the pollen present. Tree pollens appear first in early spring. The season that typically impacts most people is the time in late spring/early summer when trees, weeds, grass, flower pollens are all coming out at once. Fall is ragweed pollen season.

This spring, allergen-producing plants began growing up to a month ahead of schedule in most parts of Canada. As well, the summer weather is predicted to be dryer than usual, which means there may be less rain to wash away the pollen. As a result, experts predict that the incidence and severity of allergy suffering will be greater – and over a longer period of time – than usual.

Luckily, there are numerous natural medicine approaches that can be effective in helping sufferers feel more comfortable.

Mark your calendars for next winter

The classical homeopathic approach is one that involves addressing the problem in the winter months – one of preparing the body to be less sensitive to allergens.  In my experience, people who take this approach have less severe symptoms each year that they go through the homeopathic protocol in winter, until they have resolved their allergies altogether. Some people only need one winter of treatment to feel free of allergies.  If you have not already had this sort of treatment, mark your calendars now – make an appointment to see your homeopath soon after the New Year to start a process of homeopathic allergy treatment.

Treatment during hayfever season

If you’ve not had a winter treatment, there’s still plenty you can do to help ease your discomfort this season. I suggest that people who suffer with seasonal allergies use both homeopathic remedies and nutritional supplements.

Homeopathic remedies

As with most disorders, there are hundreds of homeopathic remedies that address the symptoms of seasonal allergy. Generally, I make a combination of remedies for my clients that is tailored to their particular, unique pattern of symptoms. There are commercially available combination remedies, but many of them have a number of remedies that may not be appropriate for a given individual, so I do not often recommend them. However, Helio’s Pharmacy (in the UK) makes a Hayfever 30 remedy as well as a Mixed Pollens and Grasses remedy – both of which I think are good products. Your homeopath or local health food store should be able to help you obtain these.

Below are three of the homeopathic remedies most commonly useful for seasonal allergies. If one of these remedies fits your symptom picture, give it a try, but if you see no improvement in a few days, discontinue use. It may be that you’ll need help from a professional to find a remedy (or combination) that is useful for you. The results are worth it – it’s a terrible time of year not to feel full of the hope and joy of the season, and being able to breathe helps!!

Sabadilla– hayfever marked by sneezing

  • Terrible violent paroxysms of sneezing with tearing of eyes
  • Itching and tingling inside the nose
  • Tearing, burning, and redness of the eyes, eyelids
  • Nasal discharge watery, copious, with plugged up nose
  • Itching of soft palate in mouth
  • Severe headache in forehead
  • Particularly sensitive to flower pollen

Euphrasia– hayfever that is centered in the eyes

  • Extreme irritation, burning, and itching of eyes – burning discharge from eyes leaves them red and sore and very sensitive to light
  • Constant watering of eyes, sore eyes
  • Need to rub eyes, can be sensation of grain of sand in eye
  • Eyes stuck together in morning on waking
  • Lots of bland, watery, discharge from nose
  • Euphrasia Tincture can also be used as a local eyebath by diluting 5 to 10 drops in about ½ cup of cooled boiled water. It is very soothing for sore eyes at any time – even if using a different remedy internally. Apply using soaked cotton wool balls, throwing out after every swipe of the eye. If solution burns, reduce the ratio of tincture to water

Allium Cepa– hayfever with miserable running/stuffed nose

  • Nose dripping like a faucet – watery, profuse discharge that leaves nose and upper lip red, raw, and sore
  • Much tearing of eyes, but discharge is not burning as in euphrasia – does not leave eyes red and crusty
  • Nose completely obstructed – impossible to breath through nose
  • Violent sneezing, especially on entering a warm room
  • Hoarse voice often with hacking cough
  • Symptoms worse in spring and late summer
  • Often effects left nostril or eye first or with greater intensity

Dosing: I suggest you put 4 pellets of the remedy you select into 8 oz of spring water. Stir a few times and take one teaspoons 3-4 times daily, stirring a few times before each dose. Your water solution can be kept covered on the kitchen counter for up to a week.

 Nutritional supplements etc.

For many people, the approaches listed below can offer sufficient respite from symptoms without the need for treatment with homeopathy. It is always best to consult a qualified health care practitioner who can determine what is best for you, and in what dosage.

  • Bromelain – the protease enzyme in pineapple, reduces inflammation associated with hayfever.
  • Quercitin – a bioflavonoid that stabilizes the membranes of cells that release histamine which, in turn, triggers allergic symptoms.  Quercitin is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant flavonoid found in fruits, leaves, vegetables.
  • Vitamin C with bioflavonoids – a good anti-inflammatory. Spread out dosing throughout the day.
  • Honey – get raw, unpasteurized local honey. This is truly “homeopathic” as the bees that made the honey have feasted on the very same pollen that is torturing you. You will probably need to go to a farmer’s market to find raw local honey. Do not heat the honey. Take a teaspoon daily – yumm!!
  • Stinging Nettle Tea  — in tea or capsule form.
  • A daily cleansing of nasal passages with a saline solution using a netti-pot can reduce many symptoms of allergy.

Enjoy the season!!

Beth Landau-Halpern is a Toronto-based homeopath who trained in homeopathy in London UK, after a first career as a dancer. She loves the deep connection she feels with the clients she works with and knows that listening well is a necessary aspect of healing.  Beth treats patients of all ages and sizes, for all sorts of disorders, but has a special interest in treating children with ADHD and Autism. She is currently training as a CEASE therapist – one of only a few Canadian homeopaths certified in this effective homeopathic approach to treating autism.  In addition to private practice, Beth teaches classes in homeopathy geared towards family health and wellness.  For more information, visit Beth at her websites: and