Reconnecting to Nature, Creativity and Spirit

The first time I spent any substantial time in nature, fully present to it, was 17 years ago this fall, at a nature retreat. Looking back now, I realize how life changing this weekend actually was. As we walked the land in groups and on our own to discover what nature had to teach us, a seed was planted deep in my heart that led me to the work of GoGreenInside. And the album of photos I put together to capture my reconnection to nature and Spirit is a cherished creative project I continue to revisit every fall season.

Finding Beauty Everywhere

Lately I’ve been thinking about beauty. Confucius said, “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” What is beauty, really? And where can we find it? It can feel hard to find beauty in what’s painful and difficult, in the troubled times we live in. But maybe it’s possible to look through a different lens. With my phone camera in hand, I head out to explore the true nature of beauty.

The Value of Spiritual Community

With so much wisdom and insight available online today, there’s no need to visit a local church, synagogue or sangha for spiritual support…or is there? Consider three ways that a spiritual community might contribute to your well-being.